2023: Habilitation in Computers and Information Technology, “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Title of thesis: “Prediction-Based Modeling and Estimation in Advanced Computing Systems”;
2004-2008: PhD in Computer Science with CUM LAUDE distinction, Title of thesis: “Advanced Prediction Methods Integrated Into Speculative Computer Architectures”, Supervisor: prof. dr. Lucian VINTAN (“Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Romania), Co-supervisor: prof. dr. Theo UNGERER (University of Augsburg, Germany);
2002-2003: MSc in Computer Science, “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Computer Science Department, Specialization: Parallel and Distributed Systems, MSc Thesis: “Contributions to speculative execution of instructions by dynamic register value prediction”, Supervisor: prof. dr. Lucian VINTAN;
1997-2002: BSc in Computer Science, “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Computer Science Department, BSc Thesis: “Improvements of super-scalar architectures implementing dynamic value prediction techniques”, Supervisor: prof. dr. Lucian VINTAN;
1992-1996: “Octavian Goga” High School, Mathematics and Physics, Hungarian section, Sibiu, Romania;
1984-1992: General School No. 15, Hungarian section, Sibiu, Romania.