Lector dr.ing. Mihai NEGHINĂ
Birou: IM418
E-mail: mihai.neghina@ulbsibiu.ro
Activitate didactică și de cercetare
Articole în jurnale ISI
  • M. Neghină, A.I. Dicoiu, R. Chis, A. Florea, "A competitive new multi-objective optimization genetic algorithm based on apparent front ranking", Engineering Applications of AI, ISSN 0952-1976, Vol. 132, [FI(2022) : 8 , Q1] 2024
  • A. Pătrăușanu, A. Florea, M. Neghină, A.I. Dicoiu, R. Chis, "A Systematic Review of Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms Optimization Frameworks", Processes, ISSN 2227-9717, Vol. 12(5):869, [FI(2022) : 3.5 , Q2] 2024
  • S. Rosioru, V. Mihai, M. Neghină, D. Craciunean, G. Stamatescu, "PROSIM in the Cloud: Remote Automation Training Platform with Virtualized Infrastructure", Applied Sciences, EISSN 2076-3417, Vol. 12(6):3038, [FI(2021) : 2.83 , Q2] 2022
  • M. Neghină, L. Vintan, "Apparent front ranking: A novel population ranking method for genetic multi-objective algorithms", Proceedings of the Romanian Academy A, ISSN: 1454-9069, Vol. 21(2), pp. 179-186, [FI(2019) : 1.29 , Q3], 2020
  • M. Neghină, C. Zamfirescu, K. Pierce, "Early-stage analysis of cyber-physical production systems through collaborative modelling", Software and Systems Modeling Journal, Theme Section Paper, ISSN: 1619-1366, Vol. 19(3), pp.581-600, [FI(2019) : 1.87, Q2], 2020
  • M. Neghină, C. Zamfirescu, P. Larsen, K. Lausdahl, K. Pierce, "Multi-Paradigm Discrete Event Modelling and Co-Simulation of Cyber-Physical Systems", Studies in Informatics and Control Journal, ISSN: 1220-1766, Vol. 27(1), pp 33-42, [FI(2017) : 1.02, Q4], 2018
  • V. Neagoe, M. Neghină, M. Datcu, "Neural Network Techniques for automated Land-Cover Change Detection in Multispectral Satellite Time Series Imagery", International Journal of Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, ISSN: 1998-0140, Vol. 6(1), pp 130-139, [FI(2011) : 0.71, Q4], 2012
Articole indexate ISI (proceedings)
  • M. Neghină, A. Matei, C. Zamfirescu, "Multimodal emotion detection from multiple data streams for improved decision making", Procedia Computer Science, Vol. 214, pp. 1082-1089, 2022
  • M. Neghină, R. Petruse, S. Ćuković, C. Schiau, N. Filipovic, "Automatic Curvature Analysis for Finely Interpolated Spinal Curves", BIBE, Kragujevac, Serbia, 2021
  • A. Matei, A. Tocu, C.B. Zamfirescu, A. Gellert, M. Neghină, "Engineering a Digital Twin for Manual Assembling", ISOLA, Rhodes, Greece, 2021
  • V. Govoreanu, M. Neghină, "Speech Emotion Recognition method using time-stretching in the Preprocessing Phase and ANN Classifiers", IEEE 16th Int. Conf. on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing (ICCP 2020), E-ISBN 978-1-7281-9080-8, Cluj, Romania 2020
  • M. Neghină, C. Zamfirescu, "Collaborative development of a CPS-based production system", 7th International Conference on Information Technology and Quantitative Management (ITQM), ISSN: 1877-0509, Vol. 162, pp. 579-586, Granada, Spain, 2019
  • M. Neghină, R. Petruse, S. Olteanu, I. Bondrea, L. Lobonț, G. Stanciu, "Robotized semiautomatic motorcycle transmission development. Electronic and software design", 8th Int. Conf. on Manufacturing Science and Education (MSE), MATEC Vol. 121, Sibiu, Romania, 2017
  • C. Rasche, C. Ţigăneşteanu, M. Neghină, A. Sultana, "Cervical Nuclei Classification: Feature Engineering Versus Deep Belief Network", Medical Image Understanding and Analysis (MIUA) Comm. in Computer and Information Science, ISBN: 978-3-3196-0964-5, Vol.723, pp 874-885, 2017
  • M. Neghină, C. Rasche, M. Ciuc, A. Sultana, C. Tiganesteanu, "Automatic detection of cervical cells in Pap-smear images using polar transform and k-means segmentation" , 6th Int. Conf. on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications (IPTA), E-ISBN 978-1-4673-8910-5, Oulu, Finland, 2016
  • V. Neagoe, M. Neghină, M. Datcu, "A Neural Network Approach for Land-Cover Change Detection in Multi-Temporal Multispectral Remote-Sensing Imagery", 11th WSEAS Int. Conf. on Signal Processing, Computational Geometry and Artificial Vision, ISBN: 978-1-6180-4027-5, pp. 221-226, Florence, Italy, 2011
  • V. Neagoe, M. Neghină, "Face Detection Using a Dual Cross-Validation of Chrominance/ Luminance Channel Decisions and Decorrelation of the Color Space", Int. Conf. on Computers, 14th WSEAS CSCC Multiconference, ISBN: 978-9-6047-4201-1, pp. 391-396, Corfu, Greece, 2010
  • V. Neagoe, C. Neghină, M. Neghină, "Ant Colony Optimization for Logistic Regression and Its Application to Wine Quality Assessment", Int. IEEE Conf. on Mathematical Models for Engineering Science (MMES'10), ISBN: 978-9-6047-4252-3, pp. 195-200, Tenerife, Spain, 2010
  • V. Neagoe, M. Neghină, "Face detection in color images using fusion of the chrominance and luminance channel decisions", 8th Int. Conf. on Communications, ISBN: 978-1-4244-6360-2, pp. 229-232, Bucharest, Romania 2010
  • V. Neagoe, C. Tudoran, M. Neghină, "A neural network approach to pedestrian detection", 13th WSEAS Int. Conf. on Computers, ISBN 978-9-6047-4099-4, ISSN: 1790-5109, pp. 374-379, Rodos, Greece, 2009
  • R. Stoian, L. Perişoară, M. Neghină, "Performances of FEC coded MIMO OFDM systems", 4th European Conf. on Circuits and Systems for Communications, ISBN: 978-1-4244-2419-1, pp. 295-300, Bucharest, Romania, 2008
  • C.G. Filip, M. Neghină, "Dynamic Voice Parameter Modifications in Speech Signals", Acta Universitatis Cibinensis - Technical Series, Vol.73, pp.1-10 2021
  • A. Gellert, R. Brad, D. Morariu, M. Neghină, "Filtering Random Valued Impulse Noise from Grayscale Images through Support Vector Machine and Markov Chain", IJASTELS, 2021
  • A.I. Cheroiu, M. Neghină, "Identification of Birds Using Spectrogram Image Processing and ANN Classifiers" , Acta Universitatis Cibinensis - Technical Series, Vol.72, pp.12-16 2020
  • L.D. Iamandi-Gido, M. Neghină, "Determination of the number of objects through weight and image processing", Acta Universitatis Cibinensis - Technical Series, Vol.71, pp.30-37 2019
  • M. Neghină, C. Zamfirescu, P. Larsen, K. Lausdahl, K. Pierce, "A Discrete Event-first Approach to Collaborative Modelling of Cyber-Physical Systems", 15th Overture Workshop, Newcastle, England, 2017
  • Receiving node in a packet communications system and method for managing a buffer in a receiving node in a packet communications system
    Inventors (3): Florin-Laurentiu Stoica, Mihai Neghina, Adrian Raileanu Publication number: (Publication type: Application) EP2415217 A2 / EP2415217 A4 / US20120008641 A1 / CN102292943 A WO2010112975 A3, (Publication type: Grant) EP2415217 B1 / US8594126 B2 / CN102292943 B
    Publication date: (Application) 8 Feb 2012 / 15 Aug 2012 / 12 Jan 2012 / 21 Dec 2011
    28 Jul 2011; (Grant) 21 Aug 2013 / 26 Nov 2013 / 11 Mar 2015
  • Data packet frequency
    Inventors (2): Mihai Neghina, Florin-Laurentiu Stoica
    Publication number: (Publication type: Application) US20110149082 A1;
    (Publication type: Grant) US9106551 B2 / DE602007014122 D1
    Publication date: (Application) 23 Jun 2011; (Grant) 11 Aug 2015 / 1 Jun 2011
  • Generating a frame of audio data
    Inventors (2): Adrian Susan, Mihai Neghina
    Publication number: (Publication type: Grant) EP2153436 B1 / US8468024 B2
    Publication date: 9 Jul 2014 / 18 Jun 2013
  • C. Neghină, M. Neghină, "MATLAB. Un limbaj pentru viitorii ingineri", ISBN: 978-6-0625-0883-8, Editura MatrixRom, 2024
  • C. Bălă-Zamfirescu (coord.) et al., “Ingineria CPS în sisteme de producţie”, ISBN: 978-6-0612-1848-6, Editura ULBS, 2021
  • C. Bălă-Zamfirescu (coord.) et al., “Studii [asupra] celei de-a patra revoluţii tehnologice”, ISBN: 978-6-0612-1847-9, Editura ULBS, 2021
  • A. Florea, M. Neghină, V. Popa, L. Popescu, I. Țincu, “Fragmente de Algebră”, ISBN: 978-6-0625-0632-2, Editura MatrixRom, 2021
  • A. Florea, M. Neghină, V. Popa, L. Popescu, I. Țincu, “Fragmente de Analiză”, ISBN: 978-6-0625-0648-3, Editura MatrixRom, 2021
  • M. Neghină, C. Bălă-Zamfirescu, P.G. Larsen, K. Pierce, “Multi-Paradigm Modelling Approaches for Cyber-Physical Systems”, ch.7:
    Multi-paradigm modelling and co-simulation in prototyping a cyber-physical production system
    , ISBN: 978-0-1281-9105-7, Elsevier, 2020
  • C. Neghină, M. Neghină, “MATLAB. Metode de clasificare și segmentare”, ISBN: 978-9-7303-1041-2, Editura ULBS, ediție electronică, 2019
  • M. Neghină, “Modelarea și Controlul Sistemelor”, ISBN: 978-6-0612-0796-1, Editura ULBS, 2018
  • C. Neghină, A. Sultana, M. Neghină, “MATLAB. Un prim pas spre cercetare”, ISBN: 978-6-0612-1213-2, Editura ULBS, 2016
Teză de doctorat
  • Tehnici de Inteligenţă Computaţională pentru Recunoașterea Formelor în Imagistica Multispectrală, coordonator Prof. Dr. Ing. Victor-Emil NEAGOE, Universitatea Politehnica din București, 2012