Simulatoare software utilizate si/sau dezvoltate

Circuite logice digitale

a) combinationale

- Sumatorul complet

- Unitate Aritmetico-Logica pe 1 bit

- Circuit de deplasare logica stanga / dreapta

Stiva & Introducere_in_Recursivitate

Simularea arhitecturilor de calcul

GAg (Globa Two Level Adaptive Branch Predictor - Global History Register and Global Pattern History Table)

ABPS (An Interactive Graphical Trace-Driven Simulator For Teaching Branch Prediction In Computer Architecture)

SpimSAL (Arhitectura microprocesoarelor MIPS R2000/R3000)


Sim-DLX (Investigatii arhitecturale utilizand simulatorul WinDLX)

SATSim-simulator (SATSim: simularea arhitecturilor superscalare folosind animatie interactiva)

Mecanisme de simulare a strategiei de scriere in cache - WriteBack vs. WriteThrough


LastValue Predictor (Extinderea mediului SIMPLESCALAR cu modulul de masurare a gradelor de localitate)

FOCAP Tool (Framework for optimizing the Computer Architecture Performance)

Neural Networks applied in an alcoholic fermentation process

Applying AI tools for Automated Modeling and Management of the White Wines Fermentation Process